Peter Griffin discovers Red Bull and somehow that leads to him singing Madonna's "Ray Of Light." Not just singing it, but performing it like in her video!
Hey, if I had a dollar for everytime I've done this! Okay, I'd probably have about 75 cents. But Red Bull drinkers know what I'm saying.
How Does New Britney Song 'Hold' Up?
Posted January 10, 2011
The plan was to simultaneously release the new Britney Spears song to radio and make it available on iTunes tomorrow at noon. But, in the age of the Internet leak, even the best-laid plans are hard to execute with that sort of precise timing.
So about an hour ago, Britney called an "audible" and tweeted the following:
Don't #HOLDITAGAINSTME for coming out early. I couldn't wait any longer. Hope you don't mind..... - Britney
How does "Hold It Against Me" hold up compared to other Brit? You be the judge. Check it out (below)!
Video Mashup: Smells Like Taylor Swift
Posted January 6, 2011
It's Seattle meets Nashville. It’s the grunge rock/country collaboration that could’ve never happened. For starters, Taylor Swift was just four and half years old when Nirvana‘s Kurt Cobain died.
So, what happens when you mix Taylor's "Fearless" with Nirvana's best-known song? You're about to find out!
Check out the video mashup, “Smells Like Taylor Swift.”